Viljo Allik

Estonian remote sensing day 2022

Estonian research results in the field of remote sensing have received recognition and use in the wider world. Remote Sensing Day brings together Estonian remote sensing community to give an overview of the latest scientific and application developments in this field. The aim of the conference is to increase cooperation within the community and raise awareness of the possibilities of using space data and technologies.

The Estonian remote sensing community traditionally meets every two years since 2005. This time we meet again at UT Tartu Observatory in Tõravere. The day is organized by the Tartu Observatory of the University of Tartu in cooperation with the Estonian University of Life Sciences and the Environmental Agency.

Presentations start at 10 a.m. and last until 4 p.m.
The day begins with a welcome coffee at the Tartu Observatory from 9:30 a.m.

Registration is over.

The conference will be held in a hybrid format (on-site and virtually), and the live stream can be watched on UTTV.

The presentations will be published later in electronic article collection "Kaugseire Eestis 2022".
You can find the previous publications here.


09.30 10.00 Coffee and arrival

10.00 – 10.10  Opening words by Antti Tamm

First session (Moderated by Ian-Andreas Rahn)

10.10 – 10.30  Riho Vendt, Viktor Vabson, Ilmar Ansko, Joel Kuusk, Krista Alikas, Martin Ligi (University of Tartu)
“Kaugseireandmete usaldusväärsuse kindlustamine”

10.30 – 10.50 Andres Luhamaa (KappaZeta)
“Sentinel-1 analüüsivalmis andmed - KappaOne"

10.50 – 11.10 KappaZeta
“Sentinel-2 pilvemask KappaMask”

11.10 – 11.30 Jorma Rahu, Heido Trofimov, Tanel Voormansik, Piia Post, Velle Toll (University of Tartu)
“Õhusaaste osakeste mõju pilvedele ja Maa kliimale”

11.30 – 11.50 Erko Jakobson  ja Liisi Jakobson (University of Tartu)
“Eesti kliima ekstreemumid 21. sajandil globaalsete kliimaprojektsioonide põhjal”


11.50 – 13.00 Lunch and poster session


Second session (Moderated by Martin Ligi)

13.00 – 13.20 Liis Sipelgas, Age Aavaste, Sander Rikka, Siim Pärt, Rivo Uiboupin, Rain Elken, Joonatan Kama ja Jana Põldnurk (TalTech)
“Hüdroloogia kaugseire teenus: veega kaetud alade tuvastamine Sentinel-1 ja 2 andmetest”

13.20 – 13.40 Laura Argus, Ele Vahtmäe, Jonne Kotta, Kristjan Herkül, Birgot Paavel, Ilmar Kotta, Martin Ligi, Tiit Kutser (University of Tartu)
“Madala rannikumere kaugseire Läänemeres"

13.40 – 14.00 Krista Alikas, Reiko Randoja, Kersti Kangro (University of Tartu)
“Kaugseire andmete tugi Eesti järvede seisundi jälgimisel”


14.00 – 14.30 Coffee break


Third sessioon (Moderated by Mihkel Kaha)

14.30 – 14.50 Mait Lang (University of Tartu)
“Kaugseire metsanduslikud rakendused Eestis”

14.50 – 15.10 Mihkel Kaha (University of Tartu)
"DSLR kalasilma objektiiviga poolsfäärikaamerate projektsioonimudeli koostamine ja vinjeteerimise kalibreerimine"

15.10 – 15.30 Allan Sims (Estonian University of Life Sciences)
“Metsade inventeerimine kaugseirega üksikpuude kaupa”

15.30 – 15.50 Urmas Peterson ja Jaan Liira (University of Tartu, Estonian University of Life Sciences)
“35 aastat lageraiealasid Eestis”


Poster session

  • Alexander Marsh
    „Evaluation, comparison, validation of smart phone application for measuring leaf angles“
  • Anastasia Rodygina, Naghma Afreen, Senyang Li
    "Deriving forest growth variables with Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2, and Lidar"
  • Artjom Vargunin, Aleksandra Bratic
    "Cloudiness in Baltic Sea Region"
  • Christel Rose Bachmann
    "Tracking the impact of spatial habitat changes on the breeding colonies of the Rook in Tartu"
  • Jason Scott Cordova
    "Usability of lidar to map archeological sites"
  • Kaire Toming, Evelyn Uuemaa, Hui Liu, Kmoch, Alexander Kmoch, Tuuli Soomets, Tiina Nõges, Tiit Kutser
    "Järvede biogeokeemiliste näitajate hindamine kaugseire abil“

  • Kersti Kangro, Anne-Mai Pall, Krista Alikas 
    "Cyanobacterial bloom parameters in large eutrophic Lake Peipsi: a view from Sentinel 3"
  • Kersti Kangro, Marju Tamm, Rene Freiberg, Martin Ligi, Ilmar Ansko, Krista Alikas
    "Chlorophyll a detection from absorption measurements for various lake types"
  • Marieke Scheel, Gregor Mattedi, Kristjan Ait
    "Forest fire assessment with Sentinel-2/3 in boreal forests"
  • Mariliis Kolk, Lisanne Siniväli, Sinoj Kokulasingam
    "Analysis of climate predictions using python"


Eesti kaugseirepäev_korraldajate logod_Tartu observatoorium-Tartu Ülikool-Eesti Maaülikool-Keskkonnaagentuur

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4-year PhD position in space research and technology: Retrieval of leaf angle distribution information from multi-angle remote sensing data

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