Tartu observatoorium

Computer Vision in Space Summer School offers both practical and theoretical experience in image processing and visual data analysis

Ric Dengel, Saimoon Quazi Islam - Tartu observatoorium - Tartu Ülikool

Computer Vision in Space summer course takes place 28 July - 10 August 2024 in Tartu. It offers a great opportunity for advanced bachelor students in robotics and computer engineering to gain practical and theoretical experience in image processing and visual data analysis. The course is organised by the Space Technology Department of Tartu Observatory and will be led by Ric Dengel, Quazi Saimoon Islam, Rando Avarmaa, Joosep Kivastik, Mihkel Pajusalu.

Computer vision in space involves the application of image processing and artificial intelligence techniques to analyse visual data obtained in space environments. This field encompasses the development and implementation of algorithms for tasks such as object recognition, tracking, and autonomous navigation in space missions. It plays a crucial role in interpreting satellite imagery, aiding planetary exploration through robotic missions, and enhancing the capabilities of spacecraft and rovers. The goal is to enable machines to "see" and interpret visual information, contributing to the success and efficiency of various space-related endeavours.

The course on Computer Vision in Space aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of various aspects related to the application of visual methods towards space exploration. The course offers insights into the algorithms and methods employed in space applications. During the two-week programme, participants will delve into the topic’s foundational principles, deployment methods and approaches to operate onboard spacecrafts or rovers. Exercises aligned with the lectures will provide the required hands on experience, which will be tied into a short summarizing project work at the end of the summer school, where the participants can apply the various aspects learned during the last days.

KuupKulgur testplatvorm kosmosepunkris - Tartu observatoorium - Tartu Ülikool

An exciting and unique aspect of the course is the opportunity for participants to test their own implementations on the Kuupkulgur, the Estonian lunar rover platform. This practical exposure will provide a rare chance for students to witness the translation of theoretical concepts into real-world scenarios. Throughout the week, several experts in the field will present inspirational talks. Additionally, there will be a guided visit to the Tartu Observatory Space Missions Simulation Center.

Application to summer course is closed. The course will be held in English, and the participation cost is 700 €. Completing the course will award 3 ECTS credits.


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