Courses in English

LTTO.00.002 Environmental Remote Sensing I (3 ECTS)

LTTO.00.004 Space Technology Project (24 ECTS)

LTTO.00.005 Space Systems (6 ECTS)

LTTO.00.009 Remote Sensing of Environment II (3 ECTS)

LTTO.00.011 Introduction to Space Exploration (6 ECTS)

LTTO.00.015 Theoretical Astrophysics (6 ECTS)

LTTO.00.017 Physics of Stellar Systems and Galaxies (6 ECTS)

LTTO.00.024 Master's Seminar in Astrophysics (6 ECTS)

LTTO.00.027 Data Science in Remote Sensing (6 ECTS)

LTTO.00.028 Data Science in Astronomy (6 ECTS)

LTTO.00.034 Practical FPGA Design (3 ECTS)

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