Remote sensing seminar

Drones more complicated than they appear to be – an engineering perspective

Srinath Mallikarjunan
Srinath Mallikarjunan is CEO and Chief Scientist of Unmanned Dynamics, which is located in Vilnius Lithuania. They develop technology stacks that can be used on a variety of Unmanned vehicles (Air/sea/land/space) their core strengths are in the fields of Guidance navigation and control, Avionics and power electronics. They build end to end solutions in-house( i.e. Technology→Subsystem→Product→Solution). As a result they can design custom solutions for special problems like their Cargo and Hybrid drones.

Presentation outline:

1) Overview of the industry

-Drone services vs

-Drone manufacturers

2) Aircraft manufacturers are more than assemblers

-Why RollsRoyce cannot become Airbus

-Importance of flight control system

3) Flight control system

-Nonlinear Estimation and sensor fusion

-Need to cater to a wide variety of configurations

-Model based design

-Importance of a simulation environment

-Robustness to unmodeled dynamics, actuator failure

-Disturbance rejection

-Trajectory tracking

-Swarm navigation

-Swarm simulator

4) The quest for greater range and higher payloads

-Power electronics

-Serial hybrid

-Parallel hybrid

5) Network centric user interface

-Multiple users & multiple drones

-Design considerations in making a user interface

-Cartography with 3D maps and flight plans

-Hybrid drone swarms to augment Leo PNT

-Image stitching

-Controlling a drone from anywhere

-Encryption/ protection from spoofing

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