Tartu Observatory drives galaxy and cosmic web research to the cutting edge

Tartu observatoorium

EXCOSM is a new Horizon Europe Twinning project beginning in Tartu Observatory on the 1st of October. The project partners the University of Tartu with the Potsdam Astrophysical Institute in Germany, the Groningen University in the Netherlands, and the University of Lorraine in France.

Combined with new analytical frameworks, astronomical surveys and simulation data enable statistical inference to address unsolved questions about the formation and evolution of galaxies. The environment of galaxies significantly influences star formation, mass assembly, and orientation within cosmic web filaments. Success in these studies requires expertise in observations, cosmological simulations, cosmic web theory, and applied mathematics. In this context, the EXCOSM project aims to enhance the University of Tartu’s research capacity in hydrodynamical simulations, cosmic web theory, and spatial analysis. Tartu Observatory will develop, in collaboration with partners, an improved cosmic web modelling method. This collaboration will strengthen partnerships, raise the international visibility of the University of Tartu, and contribute to the understanding of cosmic web studies and galaxy evolution.

EXCOSM will run until the 30.09.2027 with a budget of €1.5 million. The project is funded by the European Union.

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