Marja-Liisa Plats

Dark Matter Week: Dark Matter Day in Barlova

Dark matter is a missing ingredient in our understanding of the Universe. We cannot see dark matter directly, but we know it is everywhere!

Scientists in Estonia, and all over the world, are searching for dark matter in different ways. Let's celebrate together the search for dark matter at Barlova on the week of the 31st of October! You will learn a bit about this secret ingredient of the Universe while tasting it in your glass!

:::: programme ::::

31 October DARK MATTER DAY in Barlova
- Tartu Observatory space band live at 20
- Special dark matter drinks (all week)
- Art and poster exhibition (all week)
1 November in Tartu Old Observatory
- Public lecture on dark matter at 18.15
Dark Matter Week is celebrated all over the world:


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