Remote sensing of the atmosphere

The work group for remote sensing of the atmosphere has two broader research topics:

1. Ultraviolet (UV) radiation and climate indicators related to it (ozone, aerosol and clouds);

2. climate change.

In the field of UV radiation research, the main focus of the past years has been on the analysis of spectral composition and how it depends on climate indicators. Tartu Observatory started with spectral measurements of UV radiation (280–400 nm) in 2004. Besides that, the researchers work with a solar photometer that enables to measure the aerosol concentration in the air. The photometer belongs to the NASA AERONET network. The work group also cooperates with the Tartu-Tõravere meteorological station.

We have prepared solar radiation datasets for all potential users. We have regular recording of UV radiation, the solar photometer measures several atmosphere parameters. The water vapour content in the atmosphere is measured using GPS techniques. Using atmospheric reanalyses, the causes and evidences of climate change are studied.

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