Application for Asteroid Research Training Workshop is opened

Asteroid Research Training Workshop - Tartu Ülikool
Tartu observatoorium

Tartu Observatory of the University of Tartu and Europlanet are pleased to announce the international Asteroid Research Training Workshop. The deadline for applications for the full programme is 1 June 2023.

What is the aim of the workshop?

The aim of the workshop is to give participants a thorough, multidisciplinary introduction into the ground-based and space observations of asteroids. Activities of professional astronomers and amateur astronomers will be merged in order to achieve more understanding between communities.

What will we do at the workshop?

Participants will be given hands-on experience in CCD photometry and spectroscopy of asteroids using the telescopes of the Tartu Observatory and in analysing the observational data. The hands-on sessions will be accompanied by lectures of leading astronomers. The participants will also be trained in writing and submitting observing proposals to different facilities of the Europlanet Telescope Network, mentorship possibilities between professional astronomers and amateurs will be introduced. 

Who can apply?

The course is open to PhD and master students, early career scientists, and amateur astronomers from Europe. Europlanet Northern regional Hub (the Danish, Estonian, Finnish, Icelandic, Latvian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Swedish community) is preferred.

Learn more from the workshop homepage.

Asteroid Research Training Workshop - Tartu Ülikool
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