Studies on principles and infrastructure for ensuring reliability of Copernicus remote sensing data

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The objective of the Copernicus Cal/Val Solution (CCVS) is to define a holistic solution for all Copernicus Sentinel missions (either operational or planned) to overcome current limitations of Calibration and Validation (Cal/Val) activities. Operational Cal/Val is required to ensure the quality of and build confidence in Copernicus data. However, the Cal/Val activities are currently limited by the following considerations.

1) The requirements and objectives need to be revisited to consider: a) new usage of Copernicus products, b) inter-operability requirements, and c) to anticipate the needs of future Copernicus missions.

2) Current Cal/Val activities are constrained by programmatic and budgetary requirements and do not necessarily follow scientific priorities.

3) Cal/Val activities depend on the operational availability of high-quality Fiducial Reference Measurements (FRM) which are today mostly provided by external entities without strong commitment to the Copernicus program.

4) Synergies within Copernicus and with other national and international programs are not systematically explored.

To address these limitations CCVS will propose:

1) An updated specification of Cal/Val requirements for the Sentinel missions, taking into account inter-operability needs;

2) An overview of existing Calibration and Validation sources and means;

3) A gap analysis identifying missing elements and required developments in terms of technologies and instrumentation, Cal/Val methods, instrumented sites and dissemination service;

4) A comprehensive Copernicus Cal/Val Solution to organize the long-term provision of FRM for Sentinel missions;

5) A roadmap documenting how the Cal/Val Solution can be implemented, highlighting responsibility, cost and schedule aspects. The roadmap will be elaborated in concertation with all stakeholders through four Working Groups gathering European Space Agencies, Copernicus Services, measurement networks and International partners.

Beginning: 01.12.2020
End: 30.11.2022

Rahastaja: Horizon 2020
TO budget: 330 000 €

Principal investigator: Erko Jakobson

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Argans Limited, Institut Royal D'aeronomie Spatialede Belgique, Collecte Localisation Satellites, Centre National D'etudes Spatiales – CNES, Deutsches Zentrum Fur Luft und Raumfahrt EV, JRC -Joint Research Centre - European Commission, Koninklijk Nederlands Meterologisch Instituut -KNMI, Norce Norwegian Research Centre AS, NPL Management Limited, Rayference SRL, Thales Alenia Space France SAS, Universiteit Antwerpen, Tartu Ülikool.

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