Dark side of the Universe

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Recent measurements show that dark matter and dark energy yield 95% of the energy content of the Universe. Despite the extensive experimental effort, this dark sector's nature, properties and origin remain concealed. The current paradigm portrays dark matter as a relic density of weakly interacting massive particles. Whereas the planned next-generation dark matter direct and indirect detection experiments and the LHC may still validate this picture, it is necessary to prepare for possible different outcomes. In this new perspective, the dark sector may potentially be as complicated as the visible sector, consisting of different types of particles and governed by nontrivial dark interactions. This CER aims to explore the consequences of an interacting dark sector, considering both conventional and non-conventional models of new physics. It also aims to study its possible experimental signatures within particle physics, astroparticle physics and cosmology exhaustively.

Within the project, we organize CER research activities and cooperation programs. We also arrange theoretical and experimental studies. We publish articles, participate in international summer schools, organize Tartu-Tuorla cosmology workshops, etc.

TK133 "Dark Universe" is a centre of excellence managed by the National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics

Centres of excellence join several high-level research teams working on similar research themes to conduct high-level international research and to develop and apply innovative ideas. Centres of excellence lay the foundation for strengthening the cooperation and competitiveness of Estonian research in the European Research Area.

The activities of the Center of excellence TK133 are supported by the Regional Development Fund of the European Union.

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Coordinator: National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics
Partners: National Institute of Chemical Physics and Biophysics, Tartu Observatory of the University of Tartu

Start: 01.03.2016
End: 01.03.2023

Total: 4 000 000 €
Tartu Observatory total: 1 989 000,00

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