The Comet Interceptor is Estonia's first deep-space mission. At the Tartu Observatory, one of the mission's key instruments is being developed: an optical periscopic camera (Optical Periscopic Imager for Comets, or OPIC) designed for imaging comets. The mission aims to visit, for the first time in history, a celestial body originating either from the outer edges of the Solar System or from another planetary system. During a rapid flyby, the mission will collect as much data as possible using multiple independent probes simultaneously. This could become the first opportunity to study an object from another planetary system.
University of Tartu´s role is to deliver the OPIC instrument for the European Space Agency (ESA) F-class mission Comet Interceptor together with an industrial partner that is selected by ESA. OPIC is tasked with taking images of the comet's nucleus and its near environment and coma.
The University of Tartu is leading the development of OPIC and is also responsivle of the scientific research conducted using the instrument.
University of Tartu will build the second engineering model of OPIC (OPIC EM2), together with the electrical functional model (OPIC EFM and STM), which will be delivered for integration tests with the spacecraft prime contractor. After this, University of Tartu will supervise and coordinate the process of manufacturing the qualification and flight models of OPIC (OPIC QM, FM and FS). The qualification and verification of the flight models (the manufacturing itself is done by the industrial partner) and providing the necessary documentation is also the task of University of Tartu.
The flight model is expected to be delivered at the beginning of 2026. After that, the University of Tartu will be responsible for supporting OPIC-related tasks during the spacecraft integration.
The Comet Interceptor mission is scheduled to launch in 2029. The same launch vehicle will also carry the ESA M-class mission ARIEL, whose preliminary studies are also supported by the Tartu Observatory.
Start: 09.06.2020
Eng: 31.12.2027
Budget: 1 386 031 €
Financing: Euroopa Kosmoseagentuur
Principal Investigator: Mihkel Pajusalu