The kick-off meeting of the EXOHOST Twinning project took place in Tõravere on 14–15 February. Tartu Observatory of the University of Tartu, the leader of the consortium, hosted project partners.
The student satellite ESTCube-2 being developed at the Tartu Observatory of the University of Tartu is almost ready for launch, but the handover to rocket company Arianespace was postponed.
The widespread reintroduction of crops and livestock could make a major contribution to the development of the wider EU circular (agricultural) economy and contribute to sustainable growth.
A study showed that although global environment affects strongly the formation of galaxy groups and clusters, its influence to the galaxy properties is surprisingly small.
The University of Tartu has a long history of astronomy research. Its Old Observatory, or Tähetorn, is considered a landmark in Estonia’s second largest city and academic hub. The modern observatory s