Tartu Observatory celebrates its 60th anniversary in Tõravere

TO 60

60 years ago, on 14 September 1964, a festive event took place in Tõravere an observatory complex was opened on the former hayfield, opening a new chapter in Estonian space history.

Tartu Observatory is celebrating this festive occasion with a variety of events that everyone is invited to attend.


10 September at 3 PM
Classical music concert

Classical music concert dedicated to the anniversary of the Tartu Observatory. Pirjo Jonas (soprano) and Piia Paemurru (piano) will perform works by Händel, Mozart, Donizetti, Puccini and others. The concert is organised by the Pille Lille Music Fund and Tartu Observatory.
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25 September at 3 PM
Teachers' Science Day

Science teachers are invited to the University of Tartu Teachers' Science Day, filled with inspiring presentations and exciting workshops. The Science Day is a chance to get out of the routine, gain new knowledge and experience, and exchange ideas with teachers and scientists. The workshop "From Space to the Classroom: hands-on activities with satellite images" is open for registration until 20 September.
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27 September 6—10 PM
Researchers Night in Tõravere

The main building of the Tartu Observatory, the tower of the large telescope, the Stellaarium, the Space Bunker and Tartu-Tõravere Weather Station will be open in Tõravere. You can listen to 20-minute presentations from scientists, take part of the activities including microscope observations, building a Lego model of the International Space Station ISS and much more. On a clear day, we will be observing Saturn at the observatory from 9—10 PM at the observation field.
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23 October
Careers Week for students

Space, as well as science and technology, can often seem very complex and distant to young people. Our aim at the Tartu Observatory is to bring young people together with entrepreneurs from Estonia who have successfully pursued careers in the space sector, and to show how exciting working in space domain can be and how many different opportunities there are.
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12 October
Come visit the big telescope

We invite everyone to a gathering of telescopes. In 1974, a powerful scientific telescope - 1.5 m mirror telescope AZT-12 - was assembled in Tõravere and test observations were started. This year marks 50 years of the first observations, and to mark the occasion we are once again pointing our telescopes towards the sky. Experts will demonstrate different telescopes and those who wish to can get advice for choosing their own a telescope.
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