Alexandra Lehtmets will lead a discussion on life beyond Earth

Barlova teadusõhtu
Karin Pai

Barlova Science Night. Searching for life on exoplanets
10.02.2025 at 19.00
Barlova (Tähe 29, Tartu)

On February 10, the guest of Barlova’s Science Night will be Alexandra Lehtmets, a Junior Research Fellow in stellar physics at the University of Tartu. Together, we will explore how suitable the planets beyond our Solar System might be for hosting life.

Could life exist beyond Earth? The study of exoplanets takes us closer to answering this fascinating question. By investigating exoplanets, scientists search for signs of life or conditions suitable for it, helping us better understand the spread and diversity of life in the universe. During the evening, we’ll focus on discovering distant planets, analyzing the chemical properties of their atmospheres, and searching for biosignatures – potential traces of life.
Come and dive into the science that brings us closer to unlocking the mysteries of life in the cosmos.

The evening will feature musical interludes by the Tartu Observatory band.

These monthly discussions are organized by Tartu Observatory.

Join us for an inspiring evening of discussion and discovery in a cozy atmosphere!

Join the Facebook event.

The science night is held in Estonian.

Admission is free.

Tartu Observatory and the "Barlova Science Nights" series are nationally recognized as science communicators by the Estonian Research Council.

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