Tõnis Eenmäe will talk about the life of stars

Tõravere vaatlus - Tartu observatoorium - Tartu Ülikool
Viljo Allik

Come to Tõravere on February 7th at 6 PM to study the stars with scientists! While scientific research usually describes cosmic processes through complex formulas, "Starry Night in Tõravere" aims to explain what's happening in space in the simplest language possible and with lots of examples.

This time astronomer Tõnis Eenmäe will talk about the life of stars. He will unveil an exciting story of how stars are born, live, and eventually leave a mark in the sky. The presentation will take place in the main hall of the Tartu Observatory at Observatooriumi 1, Tõravere. A stargazing session* will follow the presentation in the large telescope tower.

Open regardless of the weather:

Children's area during the presentation in the main hall of the Tartu Observatory;
Space bunker;
The Stellaarium space museum, where the stars and planets visible in the February night sky will be introduced;
The large telescope tower, where you can talk to astronomers and space engineers.

For visitors of Starry Night, the exhibition "The Strange Call of Nonexistence" by Navitrolla, Talis Taime, Kärt Summatavet, and Maret Einasto will be open for viewing on two floors of the main building.

The ticket price for Starry Night is €3 for a single ticket and €7 for a family ticket. Admission is free for preschoolers

Stargazing sessions* take place only in clear weather.

Mark yourself attending at the Facebook event.

Starry Night is a public event that will be photographed and recorded. The photos and video recordings taken may later be used by the organizers in their online and print materials.

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