Elmo Tempel will talk at the next Starry Night about the lonely Milky Way in the vast universe

Tõravere vaatlus - Tartu observatoorium - Tartu Ülikool
Viljo Allik

The stars shine brightly in Tõravere. Estonia has approximately 50 clear nights a year, but the stars of Tõravere are present every evening. These are the stars of science, whose research and discoveries have significantly enhanced our understanding of the universe.

At this Starry Night cosmologist Elmo Tempel will talk about galaxies and the universe. The lecture will take place in the main hall of Tartu Observatory at Observatooriumi 1, Tõravere. The lecture will be followed by a stargazing session* in the large telescope tower and an introduction to the night sky at the Stellaarium.

Open in all weather:
a supervised children's corner in the Tartu Observatory main building during the lecture;
the space museum Stellaarium, where visitors can learn about the stars and planets visible in the night sky of March;
the large telescope tower, where visitors can talk to astronomers and space engineers.

Visitors of the Starry Night can also take a look at the joint exhibition, "The Strange Call of Nonexistence", by Navitrolla, Talis Taime, Kärt Summatavet, and Maret Einasto, displayed on two floors of the main building of Tartu Observatory.

Mark yourself as attending on the Facebook event.

A single ticket for "Starry Night in Tõravere" costs €3, and a family ticket costs €7. Free admission for preschoolers.

*Observations will only take place in clear weather.
Check the weather forecast on the Environmental Agency’s website.

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