Barlova science night will focus on teaching language to computers

Barlova teadusõhtu
Karin Pai

Barlova Science Night. Why is teaching language to computers necessary, fascinating, yet challenging?
17.03.2025 at 19.00
Barlova (Tähe 29, Tartu)

The guest of the next Barlova Science Night is Mark Fišel, the Professor of Language Technology at the University of Tartu. Together, we will discuss the challenges, necessity, and impact of teaching language to computers, particularly on Estonian and other languages.

Most people have heard of ChatGPT, and some may also be familiar with Neurotõlge or Neurokõne. But why do we need such programs? Why is their development both challenging and incredibly fascinating? What impact do they have on Estonian and other languages? These are the discussion points we will explore in the upcoming science night.

The evening will feature musical interludes by the Tartu Observatory band.

These monthly discussions are organized by Tartu Observatory.

Join us for an inspiring evening of discussion and discovery in a cozy atmosphere!

Join the Facebook event.

The science night is held in Estonian.

Admission is free.

Tartu Observatory and the "Barlova Science Nights" series are nationally recognized as science communicators by the Estonian Research Council.

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