Tartu Observatory is a partner in many international projects.
The page was updated in January 2024.
Duration | Name | Funded by | Contact |
01.10.2024 − 30.09.2027 | Building excellence in the study of galaxies and cosmology at the University of Tartu (EXCOSM) | Horizon Europe | Elmo Tempel |
01.01.2023 − 31.12.2025 | Building Excellence in Spectral Characterisation of Exoplanet Hosts and Other Stars (EXOHOST) | Horizon Europe, UK Research and Innovation | Anna Aret |
01.11.2024 − 29.02.2028 | Circular Nutrient Recovery for Sustainable Municipalities | INTERREG EstLat | Krista Alikas |
01.01.2024 − 31.12.2027 | Upscaling the natural sponge functions of freshwater ecosystems to deliver multi-benefit green deal solutions (SpongeBoost) | Horizon Europe | Lea Hallik |
03.09.2024 − 02.03.2026 | Water quality mapping in Estonian coastal areas (COP4ESTCoast) | Mercator Ocean International | Mirjam Uusõue |
01.03.2022 − 30.06.2025 | Back to the Future: Reintegrating Land and Livestock for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Circularity (ReLive) | Ministry of Rural Affairs | Lea Hallik |
01.11.2018 − 31.08.2025 | Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake (FPCUP) | European Commission | Krista Alikas |
01.04.2021 − 31.10.2025 | Fiducial reference measurements for satellite ocean colour (FRM4SOC Phase 2) | EUMETSAT | Riho Vendt |
01.04.2023 − 30.11.2026 | Leveraging high reliability low latency machine learning for imaging during very fast autonomous fly-by missions | European Space Agency | Ric Dengel |
01.04.2023 − 31.12.2027 | OPIC Flight Model Development | European Space Agency | Mihkel Pajusalu |
01.12.2022 − 31.05.2025 | Cal/Val Park | European Space Agency | Joel Kuusk |
03.11.2022 − 31.03.2023 | IP core for on-board blob detection and cropping in SSSB missions | Bitlake Technologies | Mihkel Pajusalu |
01.09.2022 − 01.04.2026 | Hyperspectral Network for Visible and Near-infrared Pre-Operation Phase (Hypernets-POP) | SERCO | Krista Alikas |
01.10.2024 − 01.04.2026 | Leveraging Unreal Engine 5 to Develop Synthetic Data Tools for Lunar Surface AI enabled Robotic Applications | European Space Agency | Quazi Saimoon Islam |
01.02.2024 − 31.08.2025 | Space Volcanic Algae Main Electronics and Oxygen Sensor Development | European Space Agency | Mihkel Pajusalu |
01.10.2024 − 30.09.2026 | Novel ecosystem and biodiversity indicators for the aquatic environment based on time series analysis of Sentinel Expansion Missions | European Space Agency | Krista Alikas |
01.07.2024 − 31.03.2025 | Joint modelling of preliminary Comet Interceptor flyby scenarios with photorealistic 3D tools for OPIC, MIRMIS Hyperspectral Imager and EnVisS Compression Algorithm instruments and components | European Space Agency | Mihkel Pajusalu |
01.11.2020 − 31.12.2025 | Implementation of a European Space Education Resource Office ESERO in Estonia | European Space Agency | Heli Lätt |
08.01.2018 − 31.11.2022 | Characteristic Proof-of-concept of Scientific Grade Miniaturised Multispectral Earth Observation Imager | European Space Agency | Hendrik Ehrpais |
01.01.2024 − 31.12.2028 | ESA Science Consortium of Estonia | Estonian Research Council | Antti Tamm |
01.01.2021 − 31.12.2024 | Estonia's participation in the European Space Agency (TT8) | Estonian Research Council | Antti Tamm |
01.01.2024 − 31.12.2028 | Radiative and dynamical modeling of engine-powered superluminous supernovae | Estonian Research Council | Indrek Vurm |
01.01.2024 − 31.12.2028 | Galaxies out of nothing - the J-PAS view | Estonian Research Council | Antti Tamm |
01.01.2024 − 31.12.2028 | Dynamics in the Solar Neighbourhood: Acceleration Field and Matter Content (DYSNEI) | Estonian Research Council | Maria Jose Benito Castano |
01.01.2024 − 31.12.2028 | Traces of Management, Growth, and Natural Disturbances in Time Series of Forest Ecosystem Spectral Signature Measured from Space (FM-Trace) | Estonian Research Council | Mait Lang |
01.01.2021 − 31.12.2025 | Co-evolution of galaxies and the cosmic web | Estonian Research Council | Elmo Tempel |
1.01.2022 − 31.12.2026 | Estonian Research Council | Jan Pisek | |
01.03.2022-31.12.2024 | Mapping the dark matter of our Galaxy | Estonian Research Council | Rain Kipper |
01.09.2023 − 31.08.2026 | Study for the development of a passive-adaptive autonomous navigation system for unmanned ground vehicles | Milrem | Rando Avarmaa |
Duration | Title | Funded by | Contact |
01.03.2020 − 31.12.2023 | Development of space research ground infrastructure in Estonia (KosEST) | European Union European Structural and Investment Fund | Antti Tamm |
01.02.2018 − 30.04.2023 | HYPERNETS | Horizon 2020 | Joel Kuusk |
01.01.2024 − 30.06.2024 | Terminology research work to identify the most suitable Estonian equivalents to English IATE entries in the field of Space Mining | European Commission | Laurits Leedjärv |
01.11.2023 − 31.08.2024 | Support for climate adaptation and mitigation through the increased capacity of communication tools and remote sensing methods for water bodies and forested areas in Ukraine. | Environmental Investment Centre (EIC) | Mait Lang |
04.09.2023 − 01.04.2024 | Landscape Remote Sensing 2023 | Estonian Environment Agency | Urmas Peterson |
01.07.2023 − 15.01.2024 | Space terminology 2023 | Institute of the Estonian Language | Laurits Leedjärv |
01.08.2022 − 30.04.2023 | Raising climate awareness | Environmental Investment Centre (EIC) | Heli Lätt |
20.03.2023 − 31.12.2023 | "Solar park impact study" consulting work | TalTech | Viljo Allik |
24.05.2023 − 31.12.2023 | Upgrading the remote sensing termbase in Ekilex | Institute of the Estonian Language | Liisi Jakobson |
03.07.2023 − 02.11.2023 | Indication map of improvement cutting needs of Estonian young forests | Environmental Investment Centre (EIC) | Mait Lang |
01.03.2023 − 30.09.2023 | Science Task Force at the Estonian Space Centre | Estonian Research Council | Heli Lätt |
01.11.2020 − 31.08.2023 | Smart Forest Robot | MILREM | Mihkel Pajusalu |
01.01.2022 − 30.06.2023 | Cybersecurity testing on cyber range based on digital functional twin of a satellite | CybExer Technologies Plc | Kristo Allaje |
29.04.2019 − 01.06.2023 | Determination of the mechanical properties of soils in relation to military vehicles trafficability and development of mapping tool to visualize tactical properties of forest | Republic of Estonia Defence Forces | Mait Lang |
01.05.2021 − 30.04.2023 | Mobilitas Pluss incoming postdoctoral grant (MOBJD) | Estonian Research Council | Shishir Sankhyayan |
20.05.2022 − 31.12.2022 | Creation of Ekilex termbase for the remote sensing | Institute of the Estonian Language | Liisi Jakobson |
31.05.2022 − 31.12.2022 | Space terminology 4 | Ministry of Education and Research / Estonian terminology program | Laurits Leedjärv |
27.06.2022 − 01.03.2023 | Remote sensing of landscapes 2022 | Estonian Environment Agency | Urmas Peterson |
12.09.2022 − 01.03.2023 | Further development of evaluation indicators of criterion D5C3 in accordance with the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) for specifying assessments of the state of the Estonian sea area | Estonian Environment Agency | Kersti Kangro |
01.03.2016 − 01.03.2023 | Dark Side of the Universe | European Union European Structural and Investment Fund | Elmo Tempel |
01.12.2020 − 30.11.2022 | Copernicus CAL/VAL Solution | Horizon2020 | Riho Vendt ja Erko Jakobson |
01.11.2020 − 30.10.2022 | How dry is too dry? Quantifying the adverse effects of droughts for European forests across the last two decades | Estonian Research Council | Jan-Peter George |
01.01.2016 − 31.08.2022 | Benefits for Estonian Society from Space Research and Application | European Union European Structural and Investment Fund | Antti Tamm |
14.06.2021 − 30.06.2022 | Operations and mobility planning system for Lunar rover missions | AS Milrem | Mihkel Pajusalu |
01.08.2020 − 31.05.2022 | Identification of beaver habitats in Estonia by remote sensing and machine learning methods | EIC Environmental program | Mihkel Kaha |
09.06.2020 − 29.02.2022 | Comet Interceptor - OPIC Engineering Model Development | European Space Agency | Mihkel Pajusalu |
01.01.2018 − 31.12.2021 | WFD reporting enhancement and improved Earth Observation applications through better characterisation of absorption properties in lakes | Estonian Research Council | Kersti Kangro |
01.01.2016 − 31.08.2021 | Benefits for Estonian Society from Space Research and Application | European Union European Structural and Investment Fund, Archimedes Foundation | Antti Tamm |
01.09.2019 − 31.08.2021 | Optical navigation for small solar system body proximity operations and mapping | Estonian Research Council | Mihkel Pajusalu |
01.10.2018 − 30.04.2021 | Applied research on system of sensors and software algorithms for safety and driver assistance on remotely operated ground vehicles for off-road applications | European Union European Structural and Investment Fund | Hendrik Ehrpais |
01.01.2017 − 31.03.2021 | The evolution of galaxies in the cosmic web - from voids to Great Walls | Estonian Research Council | Heidi Johanna Lietzen |
01.01.2019 − 31.12.2020 | Use of remote sensing data for elaboration and development of public services | European Union European Structural and Investment Fund | |
01.10.2017 − 31.12.2020 | BalticSatApps | Interreg | |
01.10.2017 − 31.12.2020 | TEST-4-SME | Interreg | |
01.03.2018 − 28.02.2021 | Study of suspended particles characteristics in rivers regions of freshwater influence, using in-situ and satellite data | Estonian Research Council | Martin Ligi |
01.01.2017 − 31.01.2021 | GLobAl Mapping Of forest undeRstory with ApplicationS (GLAMORAS) | Estonian Research Council | Jan Pisek |
30.06.2020 − 11.01.2021 | Space terminology in Ekilex | Ministry of Education and Research / Estonian terminology program | Laurits Leedjärv |
01.01.2017 − 31.12.2020 | S3VT | European Space Agency | |
01.01.2015 − 31.12.2020 | Variability and evolution of massive stars in the Gaia era | Estonian Research Council | Indrek Kolka |
01.01.2015 − 31.12.2020 | Integral field spectroscopy of galaxies in the cosmic environment | Estonian Research Council | Elmo Tempel |
01.10.2018 − 30.09.2020 | Integration of remote sensing image processing methods for forest resource assessment | Estonian Research Council | Elmo Tempel |