
Tartu Observatory is a partner in many international projects.

The page was updated in January 2024.

DurationNameFunded byContact
01.10.2024 − 30.09.2027Building excellence in the study of galaxies and cosmology at the University of Tartu (EXCOSM)Horizon EuropeElmo Tempel
01.01.202331.12.2025Building Excellence in Spectral Characterisation of Exoplanet Hosts and Other Stars (EXOHOST)Horizon Europe, UK Research and InnovationAnna Aret
01.11.2024 29.02.2028Circular Nutrient Recovery for Sustainable MunicipalitiesINTERREG EstLatKrista Alikas
01.01.2024 − 31.12.2027Upscaling the natural sponge functions of freshwater ecosystems to deliver multi-benefit green deal solutions (SpongeBoost)Horizon EuropeLea Hallik
03.09.2024 − 02.03.2026Water quality mapping in Estonian coastal areas (COP4ESTCoast)Mercator Ocean InternationalMirjam Uusõue
01.03.2022 − 30.06.2025Back to the Future: Reintegrating Land and Livestock for Greenhouse Gas Mitigation and Circularity (ReLive)Ministry of Rural Affairs
Lea Hallik
01.11.201831.08.2025Framework Partnership Agreement on Copernicus User Uptake (FPCUP)European CommissionKrista Alikas
Riho Vendt
01.04.2023 − 30.11.2026Leveraging high reliability low latency machine learning for imaging during very fast autonomous fly-by missionsEuropean Space AgencyRic Dengel
01.04.2023 − 31.12.2027OPIC Flight Model DevelopmentEuropean Space AgencyMihkel Pajusalu
01.12.2022 − 31.05.2025
Cal/Val Park
European Space AgencyJoel Kuusk
03.11.2022 − 31.03.2023
IP core for on-board blob detection and cropping in SSSB missionsBitlake Technologies
Mihkel Pajusalu
01.09.2022 − 01.04.2026
Hyperspectral Network for Visible and Near-infrared Pre-Operation Phase (Hypernets-POP)SERCOKrista Alikas
01.10.2024 01.04.2026Leveraging Unreal Engine 5 to Develop Synthetic Data Tools for Lunar Surface AI enabled Robotic ApplicationsEuropean Space AgencyQuazi Saimoon Islam
01.02.2024 31.08.2025Space Volcanic Algae Main Electronics and Oxygen Sensor DevelopmentEuropean Space AgencyMihkel Pajusalu
01.10.2024 30.09.2026Novel ecosystem and biodiversity indicators for the aquatic environment based on time series analysis of Sentinel Expansion MissionsEuropean Space AgencyKrista Alikas
01.07.2024 31.03.2025Joint modelling of preliminary Comet Interceptor flyby scenarios with photorealistic 3D tools for OPIC, MIRMIS Hyperspectral Imager and EnVisS Compression Algorithm instruments and componentsEuropean Space AgencyMihkel Pajusalu
Implementation of a European Space Education Resource Office ESERO in EstoniaEuropean Space AgencyHeli Lätt
Characteristic Proof-of-concept of Scientific Grade Miniaturised Multispectral Earth Observation ImagerEuropean Space AgencyHendrik Ehrpais
01.01.2024 − 31.12.2028ESA Science Consortium of EstoniaEstonian Research CouncilAntti Tamm
01.01.202131.12.2024Estonia's participation in the European Space Agency (TT8)Estonian Research CouncilAntti Tamm
01.01.2024 − 31.12.2028Radiative and dynamical modeling of engine-powered superluminous supernovaeEstonian Research CouncilIndrek Vurm
01.01.2024 − 31.12.2028Galaxies out of nothing - the J-PAS viewEstonian Research CouncilAntti Tamm
01.01.2024 − 31.12.2028Dynamics in the Solar Neighbourhood: Acceleration Field and Matter Content (DYSNEI)Estonian Research CouncilMaria Jose Benito Castano
01.01.2024 − 31.12.2028Traces of Management, Growth, and Natural Disturbances in Time Series of Forest Ecosystem Spectral Signature Measured from Space (FM-Trace)Estonian Research CouncilMait Lang
Co-evolution of galaxies and the cosmic webEstonian Research CouncilElmo Tempel
1.01.202231.12.2026Estonian Research CouncilJan Pisek
01.03.2022-31.12.2024Mapping the dark matter of our GalaxyEstonian Research CouncilRain Kipper
01.09.2023 − 31.08.2026Study for the development of a passive-adaptive autonomous navigation system for unmanned ground vehiclesMilremRando Avarmaa

DurationTitleFunded byContact
01.03.202031.12.2023Development of space research ground infrastructure in Estonia (KosEST)European Union European Structural and Investment FundAntti Tamm
01.02.2018 30.04.2023HYPERNETSHorizon 2020Joel Kuusk
01.01.2024 − 30.06.2024Terminology research work to identify the most suitable Estonian equivalents to English IATE entries in the field of Space MiningEuropean CommissionLaurits Leedjärv
01.11.2023 − 31.08.2024Support for climate adaptation and mitigation through the increased capacity of communication tools and remote sensing methods for water bodies and forested areas in Ukraine.Environmental Investment Centre (EIC)Mait Lang
04.09.2023 − 01.04.2024Landscape Remote Sensing 2023Estonian Environment AgencyUrmas Peterson
01.07.2023 − 15.01.2024Space terminology 2023Institute of the Estonian LanguageLaurits Leedjärv
01.08.2022 − 30.04.2023
Raising climate awareness
Environmental Investment Centre (EIC)Heli Lätt
20.03.2023 − 31.12.2023
"Solar park impact study" consulting workTalTechViljo Allik
24.05.2023 − 31.12.2023Upgrading the remote sensing termbase in EkilexInstitute of the Estonian LanguageLiisi Jakobson
03.07.2023 − 02.11.2023Indication map of improvement cutting needs of Estonian young forestsEnvironmental Investment Centre (EIC)Mait Lang
01.03.2023 − 30.09.2023Science Task Force at the Estonian Space CentreEstonian Research CouncilHeli Lätt
Smart Forest RobotMILREMMihkel Pajusalu
01.01.2022 − 30.06.2023Cybersecurity testing on cyber range based on digital functional twin of a satelliteCybExer Technologies PlcKristo Allaje
29.04.201901.06.2023Determination of the mechanical properties of soils in relation to military vehicles trafficability and development of mapping tool to visualize tactical properties of forestRepublic of Estonia Defence ForcesMait Lang
01.05.202130.04.2023Mobilitas Pluss incoming postdoctoral grant (MOBJD)Estonian Research CouncilShishir Sankhyayan
20.05.2022 − 31.12.2022Creation of Ekilex termbase for the remote sensingInstitute of the Estonian LanguageLiisi Jakobson
31.05.202231.12.2022Space terminology 4Ministry of Education and Research / Estonian terminology programLaurits Leedjärv
27.06.2022 − 01.03.2023Remote sensing of landscapes 2022Estonian Environment AgencyUrmas Peterson
12.09.2022 − 01.03.2023Further development of evaluation indicators of criterion D5C3 in accordance with the EU Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56/EC) for specifying assessments of the state of the Estonian sea areaEstonian Environment AgencyKersti Kangro
01.03.201601.03.2023Dark Side of the UniverseEuropean Union European Structural and Investment FundElmo Tempel
01.12.2020 − 30.11.2022Copernicus CAL/VAL SolutionHorizon2020Riho Vendt ja Erko Jakobson
01.11.202030.10.2022How dry is too dry? Quantifying the adverse effects of droughts for European forests across the last two decadesEstonian Research CouncilJan-Peter George
Benefits for Estonian Society from Space Research and ApplicationEuropean Union European Structural and Investment FundAntti Tamm
14.06.2021 − 30.06.2022
Operations and mobility planning system for Lunar rover missionsAS MilremMihkel Pajusalu
01.08.2020 31.05.2022Identification of beaver habitats in Estonia by remote sensing and machine learning methods
EIC Environmental program
Mihkel Kaha
Comet Interceptor - OPIC Engineering Model DevelopmentEuropean Space AgencyMihkel Pajusalu
01.01.201831.12.2021WFD reporting enhancement and improved Earth Observation applications through better characterisation of absorption properties in lakesEstonian Research CouncilKersti Kangro
01.01.2016 − 31.08.2021Benefits for Estonian Society from Space Research and ApplicationEuropean Union European Structural and Investment Fund, Archimedes FoundationAntti Tamm
01.09.201931.08.2021Optical navigation for small solar system body proximity operations and mappingEstonian Research CouncilMihkel Pajusalu
Applied research on system of sensors and software algorithms for safety and driver assistance on remotely operated ground vehicles for off-road applicationsEuropean Union European Structural and Investment FundHendrik Ehrpais
The evolution of galaxies in the cosmic web - from voids to Great WallsEstonian Research CouncilHeidi Johanna Lietzen
Use of remote sensing data for elaboration and development of public servicesEuropean Union European Structural and Investment Fund
01.03.2018 − 28.02.2021Study of suspended particles characteristics in rivers regions of freshwater influence, using in-situ and satellite dataEstonian Research CouncilMartin Ligi
01.01.201731.01.2021GLobAl Mapping Of forest undeRstory with ApplicationS (GLAMORAS)Estonian Research CouncilJan Pisek
30.06.202011.01.2021Space terminology in EkilexMinistry of Education and Research / Estonian terminology programLaurits Leedjärv
S3VTEuropean Space Agency
Variability and evolution of massive stars in the Gaia eraEstonian Research CouncilIndrek Kolka
Integral field spectroscopy of galaxies in the cosmic environmentEstonian Research CouncilElmo Tempel
Integration of remote sensing image processing methods for forest resource assessmentEstonian Research CouncilElmo Tempel

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