HYPERNETS project hosts science conference on optical radiometry and satellite validation

The H2020/HYPERNETS project recently hosted the science conference on “Optical radiometry and satellite validation” from March 21-23, 2023 in Brussels, Belgium.

This conference brought together more than 60 scientists and experts from all over the world to share the latest results from their current research on in situ radiometry for water and land surfaces, calibration and validation of optical Earth observation satellites, and more.

In situ radiometry has evolved significantly over the last ten years, driven by the needs of satellite validation. The HYPERNETS project is among the most ambitious of this research, with an objective to develop a federated networks of autonomous hyperspectral radiometer system dedicated to satellite validation activities.

The system, called HYPSTAR, is also an innovation in the field of in situ radiometry as it provides hyperspectral measurement data with associated measurement uncertainty. This is crucial for calibration and validation of all Earth Observation optical satellites, including the EU’s Sentinel-2 and 3 satellites.

Conference Highlights
Conference participants delivered a range of oral and poster presentations, as well as discussion sessions for informal interactions and networking. One of the highlights of the conference was the presentation by Assoc Prof Joel Kuusk from Tartu Observatory, who explained the HYPSTAR radiometer system developed within the HYPERNETS project during 2018-2023 under the European Commission’s fund of almost 5 million euros. The core inventions of the HYPSTAR system - the HYPSTAR radiometer instrument and embedded monitoring light source - were developed and built entirely at Tartu Observatory.

Business Development
In addition to developing the HYPSTAR system, Tartu Observatory leads the business development work package for the HYPERNETS project, which involves preparing HYPSTAR for commercialization after the project ends.
In January 2023, RSware Ltd. was established by Joel Kuusk to take over the production and commercialization of HYPSTAR for international remote sensing communities. RSware will provide technical support for HYPSTAR.

Future Projects
The HYPERNETS project is set to end in April 2023. European funding has been approved for a follow-up project that will begin in May 2023 and continue for four years.




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