Topic: research

University of Tartu to lead six Estonian centres of excellence in research
Over the next seven years, the government will fund ten centres of excellence addressing scientific issues of importance to Estonia. The University of Tartu has tight connections with all of them.
05. January 2024 sustainabilityresearch
Remote sensing seminar "Learning object "Earth radiational balance" and Estonian climate projection from the IPCC Climate Atlas"
Erko Jakobson will make a presentation "Learning object "Earth radiational balance" and Estonian climate projection from the IPCC Climate Atlas".
14. November 2023 research
Astronomy seminar
Multiple-cluster systems, i.e. superclusters, contain large numbers of galaxies assembled in clusters inter-connected by multi-scale filamentary networks.
06. November 2023 research
Doctoral defence: Moorits Mihkel Muru “Modeling the cosmic web with the Bisous method”
On November 10 at 13:00 Moorits Mihkel Muru defended his Doctoral Thesis in physics „Modeling the cosmic web with the Bisous method“.
31. October 2023 research
Astronomy seminar
Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are massive blobs of plasma and magnetic fields that erupt from the Sun and can travel towards the Earth and drive near-Earth space weather.
31. October 2023 research
Astronomy seminar
We use our statistically complete and well defined CLASSIX Cluster Survey based on the ROSAT X-ray sky to map the density distribution in the local Universe.
19. October 2023 research
Astronomy seminar
Photometric observations of the star HD 191765 have been made before. However, observing this star with a modern CCD photometer is essential and relevant.
16. October 2023 research
Astronomy seminar
The possibility of the recently detected signal being originated from supermassive black hole binaries is discussed as well as a potential cosmological origin.
10. October 2023 research
ESTCube-2 satellite was probably destroyed on board the launcher upon its re-entry to the Earth's atmosphere
On 9 October, ESTCube-2, the satellite developed by Estonian students, finally launched on board the Vega launcher of Arianespace. However, according to current information, the satellite most likely never separated from the launch pod in the nose of the rocket.
03. October 2023 research
Remote sensing seminar
Srinath Mallikarjunan will make a presentation “Drones – more complicated than they appear to be – an engineering perspective”
03. October 2023 research