"Starry Night in Tõravere" invites you to a three-course night of science

Tõravere vaatlus - Tartu observatoorium - Tartu Ülikool
Viljo Allik

Come to Tõravere on 10 January at 18:00 to explore the stars with our scientists! While scientific research usually describes cosmic processes through complex formulas, "Starry Night in Tõravere" explains space to the audience in the simplest possible language with many examples! The first starry night of the year is a special three-course scientific experience.

For the first course, we will measure sound waves with the Observatory’s house band. For the second course, we offer a popular science lecture by cosmologist Jaan Laur titled "Redshifts as a Cosmic Measuring Tape." For dessert, if the skies are clear*, we’ll go stargazing with the big telescope.

The band will perform at 18:15 in the main building of the Tartu Observatory at Observatooriumi 1, Tõravere, followed by the lecture in the same location.

You can visit:
children's corner at the main building of Tartu Observatory
Tartu-Tõravere weather station
space mission simulation center (space bunker)
the large telescope tower, where visitors can talk to astronomers and space engineers.

*Only on clear night, stars can be observed with a telescope at the Big Telescope Tower.

Mark attending also to Facebook event.

Participation costs 3€ for individual visitors and 7€ for families. Free for preschoolers.

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